Blog Google Creating New Mobile Search Index

Google is working to create a separate search index specifically for mobile within the next couple of months. The mobile search will eventually become its primary one. The desktop index will remain, but may not be updated as often.
While no specific date has been given, the change was confirmed by Google’s search analyst Gary Illyes at the Pubcon digital marketing conference in Las Vegas this October, the world’s leading marketing conference. Illyes stated that more than 85% of Google’s search results are now mobile friendly.
What does this mean to you?
The news has potentially huge concerns for businesses that depend on google rankings, especially those who have been slow to adopt a mobile-friendly site.
Anyone with a site which isn’t fully optimized for mobile will likely suffer in the search results. The good news is that the change appears to be a few months off so there is time yet to get your mobile presence in order.
Now is the time to consider a mobile friendly (“responsive”) website face lift if you have not already done so.
Take advantage of this 30 day free offer: Get a detailed search analysis report of your current site. Contact us today to see how we can help you!